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  • Writer's pictureJoy Landa


Hi there! Just thought I would squeeze in a little update for everyone on the Landa party of four! This past Thursday I was laying (more like sleeping) in our bed with Bowman and I woke up to severe pain in my lower abdomen. Like pain I knew something was up. I sat up for a while and started to feel contractions which I knew was the norm at this point, but they weren't going away and becoming pretty consistent. Around 9ish that evening we went ahead to the hospital and I was excited, but nervous. We took Bo to my parents before going to the hospital and I walked out the door crying because hormones, but also for so long he's been my only baby and that's all I know. Sam asked me on the way how I was feeling and all I kept saying was "pain.... I just keep thinking about pain" Bo's delivery scarred me for life. Once we arrived and they checked me, I hadn't dilated much so they told me to walk around for a couple of hours and to drink plenty of water, so that's what I did. (shout out to Sam for walking down the same hallway with me a million times)

Pregnant with Beckham

Pregnant with Bowman

During that time I just kept thinking how different my pregnancies have been. I really thought they would somewhat be the same since I was having another boy, but definitely not. After the first trimester with Bo the rest was a piece of cake and very enjoyable. Now with Beck it's been a whole different story, one thing after the next. Nothing major of course, but I have definitely felt this pregnancy... maybe because I'm also chasing a toddler around all day? I have carried both of them differently, put on way more weight this time, and Sam says my moods are a constant roller coaster which he isn't lying, I've been a mess. Being pregnant while trying to raise a one year old is well...crazy, but every night I fall asleep thanking the Lord for these days because these are the days I will miss. I'm always being asked if this will be my last one and Lord willing it won't be. This pregnancy has been rough, but it doesn't change my view on it and that I still desire to have a big family. I still love being pregnant and feel very blessed. I try to remind myself daily that God has blessed us more than we could ever imagine and I don't deserve these precious little ones, but that's His grace, my friends. And what a beautiful thing it is.


They sent me home because I wasn't dilating anymore so I'm still carrying our Beckham around. I'm very anxious and now it's just a waiting game because everyday I'm having contractions, but they come and go. We think we have a prankster on our hands. I've been nesting like crazy and just trying to enjoy Bowman being my only boy until Beck gets here.

My friend got this picture and it was just too adorable not to post.

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